============== Object Classes ============== The fundamental classes that functions are built up from are described below. Most of these classes are defined in `mathics.core.element `_ or `mathics.core.expression `_. Class Diagram for Some of the Classes ===================================== Below is a `UML 2.5 Class diagram `_ for some of the classes described below: .. image:: /images/uml-diagram.png :alt: UML 2.5 Class diagram A Class name that begins with ``Base`` is a `Virtual class `_. .. index:: Atom, AtomQ Mathics3 Core Classes ===================== Atom Class ---------- Recall that an Expression to be evaluated is initially a kind of :term:`M-expression`, an object in the ``Expression`` class, where each list item is either itself an :term:`Expression` or an object in a class derived from :term:`Atom`. The ``Atom`` class we encountered earlier when describing the nodes that get created initially from a parse. Those were: * ``Number`` * ``String`` * ``Symbol`` * ``Filename`` Atoms here is from module ``mathics.core.parse.ast`` However this is converted in ``mathics.core.parser.convert.Converter.convert()`` into another kind of expression where ``Number`` is replaced by a more specific kind of number like ``Integer``, or ``Real``. There are a few other kinds of Atoms or fundamental objects like: * ``ByteArray`` * ``CompiledCode`` * ``Complex`` * ``Dispatch`` * ``Image`` In general, atoms are objects might have an underlying internal representation with no user-visible subparts that can be pulled out using ``Part[]``. In Mathics, the function ``AtomQ[]`` will tell you if something is an Atom, or can't be subdivided into subexpressions. Some examples: .. code-block:: mathematica (* Strings and expressions that produce strings are atoms: *) >> Map[AtomQ, {"x", "x" <> "y", StringReverse["live"]}] = {True, True, True} (* Numeric literals are atoms: *) >> Map[AtomQ, {2, 2.1, 1/2, 2 + I, 2^^101}] = {True, True, True, True, True} (* So are Mathematical Constants: *) >> Map[AtomQ, {Pi, E, I, Degree}] = {True, True, True, True} (* A 'Symbol' not bound to a value is an atom too: *) >> AtomQ[x] = True (* On the other hand, expressions with more than one 'Part' after evaluation, even those resulting in numeric values, aren't atoms: *) >> AtomQ[2 + Pi] = False (* Similarly any compound 'Expression', even lists of literals, aren't atoms: *) >> Map[AtomQ, {{}, {1}, {2, 3, 4}}] = {False, False, False} (* Note that evaluation or the binding of "x" to an expression is taken into account: *) >> x = 2 + Pi; AtomQ[x] = False (* Again, note that the expression evaluation to a number occurs before 'AtomQ' evaluated: *) >> AtomQ[2 + 3.1415] = True BaseElement Class ----------------- A Mathics3 M-expression is the main data structure which evaluation is performed on. An M-expression is, in general, a tree. The nodes of this tree come from the ``BaseElement`` class. Note that element in addition to being a ``BaseElement`` are an ``Atom`` as well. In other words, an ``Atom`` is a subclass of ``BaseElement``. The other subclass of ``BaseElement`` is an ``Expression``. Note as the prefix ``Base`` implies, a BaseElement is a virtual class. Definition Class ---------------- .. index:: Definition A Definition is a collection of Rules and attributes which are associated with a ``Symbol``. A ``Rule`` is internally organized in terms of the context of application in * ``OwnValues``, * ``UpValues``, * ``Downvalues``, * ``Subvalues``, * ``FormatValues``, etc. .. index:: Definitions Definitions Class ----------------- The Definitions class hold state of one instance of the Mathics interpreter is stored in this object. The state is then stored as ``Definition`` object of the different symbols defined during the runtime. In the current implementation, the ``Definitions`` object stores ``Definition`` s in four dictionaries: - builtins: stores the definitions of the ``Builtin`` symbols - pymathics: stores the definitions of the ``Builtin`` symbols added from pymathics modules. - user: stores the definitions created during the runtime. - definition_cache: keep definitions obtained by merging builtins, pymathics, and user definitions associated to the same symbol. Expression Class ---------------- An Expression object the main object that we evaluate over. It represents an M-expression formed from input. Although objects derived from ``Atom``, e.g. symbols and integers, are valid expressions, this class describes *compound* expressions, or expressions that are more than a single atom/element. So in contrast to an object of type ``Atom``, an ``Expression`` object is some sort of structured node that as in Mathics3 itself, has a ``Head`` (function designator) and a ``Rest`` (or arguments) component. .. index:: Expression Symbol Class ------------ .. index:: Symbol Just above the ``Atom`` class is the ``Symbol`` which is an atomic element of an ``Expression``. See `Atomic Elements of Expressions `_. As born from the parser, Symbols start off like Lisp Symbols. Following WL, Mathics3 has about a thousand named characters, some common ones like "+", "-", and some pretty obscure ones. After parsing, each of these can be incorporated into a Symbol object. But in the evaluation process in conjunction with the ``Definitions`` object that is in the evaluation object, these symbols get bound to values in a scope, and then they act more like a programming language variable. The Symbol class described here has fields and properties that you of the kind that you'd expect a variable in a programming language to have. Classes for Defining Builtin Functions ======================================= Builtin class ------------- A number of Mathics3 variables and functions are loaded when Mathics3 starts up, thousands of functions even before any Mathics3 packages are loaded. As with other Mathics3 objects like ``Atom`` and ``Symbol``, Mathics3 variables and functions are implemented through Python classes. The reason that we use a *class* for a Mathics3 variable or a Mathics3 function is so that we can give those Mathics3 object properties and attributes. At the lowest level of the class hierarchy is ``Builtin``. Lets look at a simple one: .. code:: python class Head(Builtin): """
returns the head of the expression or atom $expr$.
>> Head[a * b] = Times >> Head[6] = Integer >> Head[x] = Symbol """ def eval(self, expr, evaluation): "Head[expr_]" return expr.get_head() In the above, we have not defined an ``evaluation()`` method explicitly so we get ``Expressions``'s built-in ``evaluation()`` method. A feature of the ``Builtin`` class is the convention that its provides a convention by which "eval" methods of the class can be matched using the method's name which must start with "eval" and a pattern listed in the method's doc string. This is used in the example above. Here, ``Head`` has one parameter which is called *expr*. Note that in the Python method there is also *expr* variable it its method signature which is listed right after the usual *self* method that you find on all method functions. At the end is an *evaluation* parameter and this contains definitions and the context if the method needs to evaluate expressions. Predefined Class ---------------- Just above ``Builtin`` in the Mathics3 object class hierarchy is ``Predefined``. Some Mathics3 values like ``True`` are derived from ``Predefined``. For example: .. code:: python class True_(Predefined): """
represents the Boolean true value.
""" name = "True" In the above, note that the class name has an underscore (``_``) appended it. We do this so as not to conflict with the Python value ``True``. The class variable ``name`` is used to associate the Mathics3 name. A number of Mathics3 variables like ``$ByteOrdering`` are also derived directly from the ``Predefined`` class. Since Python class names cannot start with a dollar sign (``$``), we drop off the leading ``$``, in the class name, and that gives us: ``ByteOrdering``. As with the ``True`` example shown above, the Mathics3 name is set using class variable ``name`` defined in the ``ByteOrdering`` class. For example: .. code:: python class ByteOrdering(Predefined): """
returns the native ordering of bytes in binary data on your computer system.
""" name = "$ByteOrdering" def evaluate(self, evaluation) -> Integer: return Integer(1 if sys.byteorder == "big" else -1) The ``evaluate()`` function above is called to get the value of variable ``$ByteOrdering``. .. index:: Predefined .. index:: Test Test Class ---------- This class is a used for Mathics3 Builtin Expression test functions that have a suffix "Q", ``AtomQ``, ``StringQ``, ``SymbolQ``, and so on. This class for creating builtin functions is a bit different and simpler than many of the others. The function you define is called ``test()`` rather than some sort of ``eval()`` function. Also, this ``test()`` function returns a *Python* Boolean value rather than some sort of ``Expression`` type. The class takes care of converting this into ``SymbolTrue`` or ``SymbolFalse``. Here is the abbreviated code for ``AtomQ``: .. code:: python class AtomQ(Test): """ Docstring with links, definition, examples, etc. """ summary_text = "test whether an expression is an atom" def test(self, expr) -> bool: return isinstance(expr, Atom) .. index:: Operator Operator -------- PrefixOperator and PostFixOperator ---------------------------------- BinaryOperator and UnaryOperator --------------------------------- SympyConstant, MPMathConstant, and NumpyConstant ------------------------------------------------- SympyFunction and MPMathFunction --------------------------------- Which class should be used for a Mathics3 Object? -------------------------------------------------- * To define a Mathics3 constant based on a Sympy constant, e.g. ``Infinity`` use ``SympyConstant`` * To define Mathics3 constants based on a mpmath constant, e.g. ``Glaisure``, use ``MPMathConstant`` * To define a Mathics3 constant based on a numpy constant, use ``NumpyConstant`` * To define a Mathics3 functions based on a Sympy function, e.g. ``Sqrt``, use ``SympyFunction`` * To define a Mathics3 operator use ``UnaryOperator``, ``PrefixOperator``, ``PostfixOperator``, or ``BinaryOperator`` depending on the type of operator that is being defined * To define a Mathics3 function which returns a Boolean value e.g. ``MatchQ`` use ``Test`` * To define a Mathics3 function that doesn't fall into a category above, e.g. ``Attributes`` use ``Builtin`` * To define a Mathics3 variable e.g. ``$TimeZone`` or Mathics3 Symbols, e.g. ``True`` use ``Predefined`` * To define a Mathics3 atomic expression, e.g. ``ImageAtom`` use ``AtomicBuiltin``