Contributing & Developing ========================= Contributing ------------ Here is the basic workflow for contributions to the Mathics3 source code: 1. Create your own GitHub account and fork the `Mathics3 GitHub core repository `__ (see `GitHub help on forking `__ which also includes explanations of further steps). 2. Clone your GitHub repository to your local machine, edit the code, make commits. git is different to other version control systems such as SVN in the way that the whole repository (with its whole history) is also stored on your local machine. Therefore, commits are not the final steps to publish something, but rather atomic steps during development. 3. Push your local changes to your upstream GitHub repository. Do this regularly to have backups and to enable others to view what you're working on. Your changes will still not be in the main Mathics repository (unless you have push access). 4. Test your code! Run ``make test`` to run the whole Mathics3 test suite. Use ``python mathics/ -s SYMBOL`` regularly to run all test cases for a specific ``SYMBOL``. You might also want to `build the documentation PDF `__ to see how it is affected by your changes to documentation. 5. Make a GitHub pull request to have your code integrated in the main repository (see the `help on pull requests `__). After your code has been successfully reviewed, it will officially be part of Mathics. Once you open a pull request some automated tests will run on Travis CI. If one of these tests fail click on the details link and try to figure out why. 6. Every now and then, a version of Mathics3 is released, i.e., packaged and uploaded. This is usually the time when the code running on the Mathics3 mirrors is updated as well. There are various tools for working with git, e.g., `EGit `__ for `Eclipse `__. However, using git on the console is also convenient (and sometimes a lot faster). This was only a short outline of the usual git workflow. For a more complete reference, see the `Git Reference `__ or others. One powerful feature of git is branching - you should check it out. Before, while, and after working on something, write to `mathics-devel `__ to give other developers the chance to comment on your work and to help you. Thanks for your contributions, and happy coding! Developing ---------- To start developing, check out the source directory. Run :: $ python develop This will temporarily overwrite the installed package in your Python library with a link to the current source directory. In addition, you might want to start the Django development server with :: $ python runserver or :: $ make runserver It will restart automatically when you make changes to the source code.