Pytest testing of ``Undefined`` ================================ On github, after adding the code to ``mathics-core`` described here, we then started making use of ``Undefined`` in those existing Built-in functions that should have been using them. In particular, we added a rules: .. code-block:: mathematica Abs[Undefined] = Undefined Cos[Undefined] = Undefined along with many other rules of this kind. Here is a small unit test for ensuring these rules took effect: .. code-block:: python """ Unit tests for mathics.builtins.numbers.constants """ from test.helper import check_evaluation def test_Undefined(): for fn in [ "Abs", "Cos", ]: check_evaluation(f"{fn}[Undefined]", "Undefined") Since the builtin function lives inside Python file ``mathics/builtins/numbers/`` the test should be put in ``test/builtins/numbers/``. The function ``check_evaluation()`` from module ``test.helper`` can take quite a number of optional parameters. But in this simple example, we just need two. The first parameter is input that is given which is analogous to what appears after ``>>`` and the second parameter which gives the expected output which is analogous to what appears after ``=`` in the docstring. Please note that docstring tests are for *interesting* user-oriented example. Please don't use them for unit tests. The full test example for the ``Undefined`` built-in symbol can be found in the code `here `_. Here is a command that will run just this test: .. code-block:: bash $ cd Mathics3/mathics-core $ python -m pytest test/builtin/numbers/ =========================== test session starts ============================ platform linux -- Python 3.8.12, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0 rootdir: /src/external-vcs/github/Mathics3/mathics-core collected 1 item test/builtin/numbers/ . [100%] ============================= warnings summary ============================= ... -- Docs: ======================= 1 passed, 1 warning in 2.14s ======================= Next: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 ../KroneckerProduct/index