Documentation Markup

There home-grown special markup syntax you can use in the documentation. It is kind of a mixture of XML, LaTeX, Python doctest, and custom markup.

In the future, we plan to use more Sphinx-based documentation.

The following commands can be used to markup documentation text:

Markup in Documentation



<dl> dl-list </dl>

a definition list with <dt> and <dd> entries.

<dt> title

the title of a description item.

<dd> description

the description of a description item.

<ul> list </ul>

an unordered list of <li> entries.

<ol> list </ol>

an ordered list of <li> entries.

<li> item

an item of an unordered or ordered list. Note: no </li>.

' code '

inline Mathics3 code or other code.

$ name $

Math-mode variable identifier in Mathics3 code or in text.

<console> text </console>

a console (shell/bash/Terminal) transcript in its own paragraph.

<con> text </con>

an inline console transcript.

<em> text </em>

emphasized (italic) text.

<i> text </i>

the same as <em>.

<url> url </url>

a URL.

<url> :link text: url </url>

a URL with link text

<img src=" src " title=" title " label=" label "

an image.

<imgpng src=" srctitle=" title " label=" label "

the same as <img>.

<ref label=” label “>``

a reference to an image.


a vertical skip.

\LaTeX, \Mathematica, \Mathics

special product and company names.


a single '.

## $comment$

a comment line that is not shown in the documentation.

To include images in the documentation, use the img tag, place an EPS file src .eps in mathics.doc.documentation.images and run in the mathics.doc directory.

For a long URL, it is possible to split the url in several lines. Spaces and line break characters are removed when the documentation is compiled. For example:


produces, in the online documentation, the following <a> tag:

<a href=>NetworkX</a>

Markup for Code Examples

The following commands can be used to specify test cases.



>> Mathics3 code

Some Mathics3 code to run and to appear in documentation.

= output

expected output produced by the Mathics3 code.


matches any output; used when output can vary.


a newline which is expected to appear in test output.


graphics in the test result.

: message

a message in the result of the test query.

\| print

a printed line in the result of the test query.

It is good to create examples that convey some aspect about the Mathics3 Function.

In the past, the documentation system was abused and ran edge cases and prior bugs fixed. For that please write a pytest.

We have not purged yourself of this behavior, so will find following markup in docstrings. These are deprecated.

However please don’t create more examples. Instead please consider moving something like this to a pytest unit test which is far more flexible.

Example of >>, =, and = ...

>> 1 + 2
= 3

The above is part of the docstring for the Plus class that implements the builtin-function Plus, or operator +.

1 + 2 is shown as an example in the Plus documentation section. When this code is run, 3 is the expected output.

In testing, make doctest is run, this example code is run and checked against the output. If the two do not match, a test failure is recorded.

In some cases, output can vary. For example, value one gets when evaluationg $ProcessID is not fixed and can’t be recorded. So here, use ... and anything will be accepted as a match:

>> $ProcessID
 = ...



#> Mathics3 code

Mathics3 code to run but not appearing documentation.

X> Mathics3 code

Mathics3 code shown in the documentation but not run.


Mathics3 code to run, like >>, but only if not in “Sandbox” environment

Example of #>

Strings and expressions that produce strings are atoms:
>> Map[AtomQ, {"x", "x" <> "y", StringReverse["live"]}]
 = {True, True, True}
#> Clear[x]

Here, we want to give an exmaple of Map and that sets variable x. We want to clear the definition to clean things up, but doing so does not serve any pedagogic purposes. So we can hide this from the list of examples, but have the effect of running the function.

Examples of S>

S> $MachineName
 = ...

In a cloud environment, we do not want to give the actual information about the machine running the server. So for security, we want to hide this example and information from it.

S> filename = $TemporaryDirectory <> "/example_file";

In a sandboxed environment or cloud environment, we might not have write access to a filesystem, not even a temporary one.

Guidelines for Writing Documentation

When a new builtin is added, it is expected to follow the following guidelines regarding the format of the docstrings and summary_text attribute, which are used for building the documentation. Some of these guidelines are reinforced by the CI.

summary_text is used in the online documentation as a brief description of what the symbol represents. For builtins representing the head of expressions, summary_text, starts with an active verb with the word in lowercase, e.g. “retrieve” as opposed to “Retrieve”. If you look at the section that the summary appears it is nice to use the same verb for similar kinds of things. For example we may “list” builtins that end with “List” (EdgeList, VertexList) but, “find” builtins with “Index” at the end of the name EdgeIndex, VertexIndex. For variables, and options, do _not_ start with an active verb.

Docstrings contain information about the content of the documentation entry. They must consist on the following parts:

  • Title and URL refs.

  • Definition Block

  • Extended description section.

These are described in the next sections.


We can use use pymathics.graph as an example to compare against.

If there is a Wikipedia entry that goes first. See AdjacencyList for an example.

It may be that only a part of the Wikipedia entry is available. Fill in other text outside of the URL. See DirectedEdge for an example.

If there is no Wikipedia mention, it is okay to give some free title. EdgeDelete is an example.

Or you can omit the title altogether. RandomGraph is an example.

In general we go with the Wikipedia name rather than the WMA for the title. And this includes symbolic parameter names. CompleteKaryTree is an example.

When the only thing we have is a WMA link we add “link” to the title. EdgeList is an example .

Remember that line breaks are significant. \ can be used to wrap a long line. Start the url name on a new line after <url>. For example:

` <url> :WMA link:</url> `

Note that there is no line break at the end before or after </url>.

Please don’t get too creative in formatting. There are many other areas in the selection of words to describe what is need may require care. But here it shouldn’t require much thought for the _formatting_ aspects.

If the URL is too long, of course, you can split it up in a way that the URL tag understands. Please inspect the URLs in a browser for change. Ideally you would click the link, but if not or before, look at the URL that appears when the link is hovered over.

There should be at least one doc example for each function in that is focused on describing what the function does (not how it can be tested). Examples for tests should be added as pytests.

Definition Block

The title must be followed by a definition list <dl>…``</dl>``, describing the different ways to use the symbol. For example, in the Builtin class LaguerreL:

  <dt>'LaguerreL[$n$, $x$]'
  <dd>returns the Laguerre polynomial L_$n$($x$).

  <dt>'LaguerreL[$n$, $a$, $x$]'
  <dd>returns the generalised Laguerre polynomial L^$a$_$n$($x$).

Note the two-space indentation after the <dl> tag.

Extended Description Section

After the usage block, it is expected a brief explanation about the context in which the symbol is used, including examples of use, details of the implementations and possible issues. This section must contain at least one doctest example for each entry in the usage block.