Making a MathicsScript Release

Look at and for broken links and corrections to text.

$ PACKAGE="mathicsscript"
# Edit ${PACKAGE}/
$ source ${PACKAGE}/ # to set in POSIX shell
$ echo $__version__

Create a new Mathicsscript release branch

$ git checkout -b release-$__version__
$ git commit -m"Get ready for release $__version__" .

Mathicsscript Workflows update?

Check .github/workflows/*.yml to make see if we are using github versions for testing. If so adjust.

Update Mathicsscript Changes

$ make ChangeLog

Update from ChangeLog

$ make check
$ git commit --amend .
$ git push -u origin HEAD # get CI testing going early

Check Python versions for Mathicsscript

$ ./admin-tools/

Merge Mathicsscript release

Go to github and merge release into master.

Then… .. code:: bash

$ git checkout master
$ git pull

Check Mathicsscript package from github

TODO: turn this into a script in admin-tools

$ [[ ! -d /tmp/gittest ]] && mkdir /tmp/gittest; pushd /tmp/gittest
$ pyenv local 3.9.18 # Use a version that is not the most recent
$ pip install -e git+${PACKAGE}.git#egg=${PACKAGE}[full]
$ mathicsscript --version # see that new version appears
$ mathicsscript -e "1+2"
$ mathicsscript  # Try it out with Sin[x, {x, 0, 2 Pi} and Graphics3D[Circle[{0,0,0}, 1]
$ pip uninstall ${PACKAGE}
$ popd

Make Maticsscript packages and check

$ bash ./admin-tools/
$ twine check dist/${PACKAGE}-$__version__*

Go over what is in dist and remove unnecessary files in dist.

Release on Mathicsscript on Github

Go to can be used to change the CHANGES.rst section to markdown.

Now check the tagged release. (Checking the untagged release was previously done).

TODO: turn this into a script in admin-tools

$ git pull # to pull down new tag
$ pushd /tmp/gittest
$ pip install -e git+${PACKAGE}.git@${__version__}#egg=${PACKAGE}[full]
$ mathicsscript --version # see version
$ mathicsscript -c "1+2"
$ mathicsscript  # Try it out with Sin[x, {x, 0, 2 Pi} and Graphics3D[Circle[{0,0,0}, 1]
$ pip uninstall ${PACKAGE}
$ popd

Upload the Mathicsscript release to PyPI

Upload it to PyPI with twine:

$ twine upload --verbose dist/$PACKAGE-${__version__}*{whl,gz}

Move Mathicsscript dist files to uploaded

Post Mathicsscript Release

Bump version in ${PACKAGE}/, and add “dev0”.